RFC Weekly - a summary of things that I find interesting. It is an indulgence; its the weekly update that I would like to receive. Unfortunately no-one else is producing it so I figured I best get on with it. Hopefully someone else will also find useful.
Updates from the Red Folder
Ok, it’s been a few weeks since RFC Weekly – I’ve been somewhat focused on a new contract.
Hopefully I’ve made a good start there so I can return to my weekly schedule.
Having some time out of the weekly update and the ROI series has given me an opportunity to have a think of where I want to go over the rest of this year.
So here are my thoughts …
I’d like to greatly improve the content (and thus SEO) on the www.red-folder.com website.
I would like to move a lot of the content that I have traditionally hosted under Blogspot or LinkedIn – I feel that having it on those separate sites I’m not getting the best exposure for it.
I’m keen to look at the way that Microsoft are now doing their docs. They are using Github for articles & documentation (using markup), then displaying through their websites. I’d assume there is some technical process turning the markup into formatted HTML (although there doesn’t appear to be any advice anywhere saying how they do it).
Using markup should make article creation easier. I’ve never been hugely fond of the Blogspot editor (especially when it came to code samples).
Both Blogspot and LinkedIn can be a little temperamental with formatting.
And LinkedIn require readers to have signed up before being able to see it.
I’ll have an investigate of option over the next couple of weeks and see if this is practical to have in place early next year.
Azure Functions
Over the last week, I’ve been having a play with Azure Functions. Azure Functions provide a means of server-less code. Effectively you upload the code and it all runs.
(Obviously not quite that easy).
So far however, even with the sparse documentation, it does seem relatively approachable.
I’m currently looking to migrate some basic web crawl functionality (I’m using to do some post-deployment checks on www.red-folder.com). I believe the same logic could be used to provide data for a visualisation of the website structure.
Thus seems a good candidate for the Azure functions.
I’ll likely create an article or two once it’s done.
Asp.Net Core
Finally finished the last article in my Asp.Net Core series. The seventh article can be found here
This moved it onto RTM, so it seemed an appropriate place to finish.
I’ll be making various changes over the coming months as it makes sense to use the website as a showcase – which at the moment it is far from technical excellence.
Project pages
Again part of the Content/ SEO activities, I’ve created 2 project pages to collect various articles.
Return On Investment collects my ROI articles on LinkedIn.
Asp.Net Core collects my Asp.Net Core articles on Blogspot.
And talking about Return On Investment …
My last article, back at the end of June, left us on a bit of cliff hanger – introducing more concrete work on Agile.
Since then, I’ve just struggled to get back to adding more articles.
I’m planning on getting back to regular articles in October – with a look at Scrum in more detail.
And next time …
Next week, I’ll get back to a format that includes interesting updates I’ve spotted.