RFC Weekly - a summary of things that I find interesting. It is an indulgence; its the weekly update that I would like to receive. Unfortunately no-one else is producing it so I figured I best get on with it. Hopefully someone else will also find useful.
This is a great tools which will analysis you .Net project to see if it can be ported to .Net core.
This looks at your libraries to see if you will have dependency problems.
You pass in your project file (or point at a Github repo) and it provides analysis.
I’ve just used it to analysis the Asp.Net RC1 version of my website – and it’s told me in seconds the replacement dependencies that I spent hours working out through research/ trial & error.
If only I’d known about this last week.
Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and respond to security threats.
I’ve not had a chance to dig into – but I looked for something similar in AWS last year and couldn’t find anything (or at least not without a third party expense).
One to have a look at when I get a chance.
Shameless self-promotion
Biggest update is that I’ll soon be available for new contracts. Current contract is coming to an end 26th August – love to find a similar role looking after a development team in transition.
Other than working to land my next contract, I’m still converting my Asp.Net Core RC1 project over to RTM. Definitely seems to have been a lot of changes – but I think I’ve got most of them covered. Currently struggling with deploying to Azure – but hopefully should have done by the end of the week.