Plugin updated for Cordova 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.9.0 and 3.0.0

I'm pleased to announce that the updates for the above Cordova versions have been released to Github.

The changes for Cordova 3.0.0 does require a change to /res/xml/config.xml - so please follow the instructions in the README

Any questions or issues, then please raise an issue in the relevant Github repository.

I should get back to my automation series in the next week or so.  It has proved a real time save in preparing the above.  Doing the above also helped me to validate (and fix) the automation steps - thus I'm likely to update the existing articles before finishing the series.

Spread the love

If you find the Background Service Plugin useful then spread the love.

All the work I do on the Plugin is done in my spare time - time I would otherwise be spending taking my wife out for a nice meal or helping my lad find vinyl records (he's currently very much into The Smiths, Fleetwood Mac and Kate Bush).

The Plugin is free and will always remain free. I will continue to develop, maintain and distribute the Plugin under the MIT License.

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