Cordova Background Service Plugin updated for 2.2.0

Finally managed to update the plugin for Cordova 2.2.0

I've taken this opportunity to now separate my plugin from the main repository to my own repository (as plugin repository guidelines).

The repository can be found here: BackgroundService Plugin Repository

Source code

I have also released the source code.  It is easier to use the .jar files from the above repository - but should you be interested then go to the BackgroundService Plugin Source Repository

Please review the file in source Repository on how to use the code (you need to select and rename the version relevant file).

Spread the love

If you find the Background Service Plugin useful then spread the love.

All the work I do on the Plugin is done in my spare time - time I would otherwise be spending taking my wife out for a nice meal or helping my lad find vinyl records (he's currently very much into The Smiths, Fleetwood Mac and Kate Bush).

The Plugin is free and will always remain free. I will continue to develop, maintain and distribute the Plugin under the MIT License.

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